It’s no secret that a fresh mani will have you feeling like a brand new person, which is why a smudge or nick is especially heartbreaking. And while it might seem like the end of the world (and your mani) at the moment, there are quite a few ways to salvage your nails and make them look good as new. Keep reading for our tips to fixing (almost) any nail polish mistake in just a few steps. If You Smudged a Fresh CoatGently push the polish back into place with the pad of your finger. Next, brush over the problem spot with a fresh coat of the nail color. If you nick a still-sticky nail after leaving the salon and don't have the same color at home, do the same thing as above, but use a generous swipe of clear polish, like Essie Gloss Fit to blend it in.If It’s More Than a NickDip the pad of your finger from the opposite hand in nail polish remover, then gently rub the flawed area, using a circular motion to buff it out. Finish this off with a coat of clear nail polish and blend.If It’s Just the TipTrim your nails with a nail clipper using as few snips as possible to hide the chips before sealing your nails with a layer of top coat.If Your Mani’s On Its Last LegsDisguise imperfections with a clear but glittery coat like Essie Set in Stones or Pure Pearlfection. This will seal the nail to prevent further chips and cover up any existing issues. The added sparkle will also add dimension to your mani and make it look good as new.