Style Your Halloween Wig Like a Pro With These Tips
October 04, 2022

TIP #4: Avoid Curling and Straightening Irons
“So many women think they can use heat on synthetic wigs, and you cannot,” warns Spence. “The easiest way to straighten or to add curls to a synthetic wig would be to blow dry the hair at a medium temperature or use rollers overnight. That is your safest bet.”
TIP #5: Try a Low-Maintenance Hairstyle
“I like bob hairstyles for synthetic wigs as they don’t require as much maintenance as longer hair,” says Spence. But he also recommends getting a curly styled wig because it can be hard to make a synthetic, straight wig look sleek.
TIP #6: Keep a Brush Handy
If nothing else, keep a brush nearby at all times when wearing your wig, since synthetic wigs tend to get easily tangled.
Photography and Makeup: Kahh Spence of @kahhspence
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