While we wait patiently for the next year (or two?!) for our favorite show to return for its final season, we’re looking for any excuse to keep the characters alive. Our latest attempt? Khaleesi braids with a rock-climbing twist. These braids are pretty easy to do if you know how to Dutch braid, and they’ll satisfy your Daenarys Targaryen needs — whether we’re talking Halloween or a regular Tuesday. You’ll be the Queen of Dragons in, protector of the (office) realm.   Get the look, ahead:You’ll Need:Texture SpayHairsprayRope or RibbonSectioning ClipsStep 1: Starting with dry, detangled hair, spritz with texture spray to give it grip.Step 2: Section your hair into 5 sections (three at the top and two on the bottom). Secure each section with clips.Step 3: Undo one section on the side of your head and braid it flat against your head in a Dutch braid style. (Start with a small section at the the top, and keep adding more hair as you braid.) Do this until the top three sections are braided. Step 4: At the base of the hair, combine the two top sections with one of the bottom sections, and fishtail braid it together. Step 5: Repeat this on the other side with the single braid and the final section. Step 6: Using a rope or ribbon, weave the fabric through the braids, wrapping them at the ends to make sure they’re secure. Step 7: Lock it all in place with hairspray.Will you try this style? Let us know in the comments below!