Forget Halloween: You’ll Want to Wear This Star Eye Every Day of the Year

October 14, 2020
By: Samantha Holender | by L'Oréal
  • STEP 1:

    Trace the First Half

    Don’t go straight in with eyeshadow. When it comes to creating a star, it’s best to take things slow and create a guide. “Use the NYX Professional Makeup Slim Eye Pencil in White to trace five points around your eyes,” says Williamson. “The easiest way to do this is to look straight ahead, into the mirror, and start by placing the top point at the center of your eye, just below your brow.” From there, draw a triangle where the diagonals stop above your crease. “Then, draw a line straight across from one side to the other to serve as the top line of the star.” To finish off the upper half of the star, draw diagonal lines inward. They should stop at the upper lash line and create the second and third points of the star. 

  • STEP 2:

    Outline the Bottom Half

    The top three points will remain on your lid, but the bottom two points will be drawn on the bottom part of the eye where concealer would normally be placed. “From the lower lash line, draw outwards on an angle — the opposite of the direction you used on top,” says Williamson. One line will stem from the outer corner and the other will start just to the side of the tear duct. To finish the outline, connect the lines at a point just below the center of the lower lash line.

  • STEP 3:

    Shade the Top

    Next, Williamson used the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in shade Freebase, a white matte, to color in the top half of the star. “Once the eye is primed, take a firm shadow brush or shader brush, grab a dark shade, like the black in the fourth row of the NYX Professional Makeup Ultimate Utopia Palette, and put it just past the crease,” she says. “Then for your second color, grab a matte shadow that’s around two shades lighter to act as transition tone and a backdrop for your shimmery shades.” Here, Williamson used the smoky blue at the end of the third row of the same palette. This color will be placed from the top lash line and up to the crease, blending in with the darker color. 

  • STEP 4:

    Shade the Bottom in a Gradient

    Now that the top half is colored in, prime the bottom half of the star with the Primer Potion to disguise any fallout and prep for shadow. “Along the edges at the start of the bottom half, shade in the darkest color so it looks like the color is flowing through,” says Williamson. “Next, grab a shade two shades lighter than the middle color and fill in the rest of the star.” For the lightest shade, we recommend using the pale blue shade in the second row of the NYX Professional Makeup Ultimate Utopia Palette. You can also use the shade Opal Aura from the Urban Decay Stoned Vibes Palette

person wearing blue glitter star-shaped eye makeup
  • STEP 5:

    Add Glitter

    To add a shiny glimmer to the look, it’s key to add some glitter, like the Bodyography Glitter Pigments. “Wet a fluffy brush and dab glitter onto different places in the eye area throughout the star,” says Williamson. “On the top, pack it on from the upper lash line going up into the crease, and on the bottom portion bring it from the lower lash line all the way to the bottom tips.” 

  • STEP 6:

    Apply Finishing Touches

    While you can definitely leave the look as is, Williamson decided to step things up a notch by adding a gradient wing on the other eye using the same eyeshadow shades. She then added three rhinestones below the lower lash line, swiped on some mascara and was good to go! 

person wearing blue glitter star-shaped eye makeup
Photography and Makeup: Jonet Williamson


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