The fashion girls, the crafty girls, the foodie girls — they all have their issues. And while we may never fully understand the plight of these women, we beauty girls have our own problems. Perhaps you don’t see the special relationship you have with makeup as a problem, but beware. You may be addicted. How do you know you’re addicted? Here are the 10 signs we’ve identified (from firsthand experience).1. Flying with carry-on luggage is a nightmare for you. How is anyone supposed to fit all of her beauty necessities in that tiny plastic bag? No thanks — that checked baggage fee is worth it in order to keep your favorite lotions and potions by your side.2. You get giddy with anticipation every time you click to open an email from Sephora. And you use 15-percent off as an excuse a reason to buy every item sitting in your shopping cart.3. You rush out to buy the entire collection whenever Maybelline releases a new line of Baby Lips. Yep, you even bought the green one from the Electro collection. Baby Lips are considered collectables, right?4. Your happy place is one of the following: the makeup aisle at any drugstore, the beauty department at Barneys, And your friends refuse to accompany you to these locations because you always end up staying there for hours.5. You carry a pouch of lipstick and glosses in your purse at all times. It may add a good pound to the weight of your handbag, but the idea of not having all of your options with you day and night is just too much bear.6. You fought for the larger bathroom in the apartment not out of want, but out of necessity. And still the majority of your makeup resides in your bedroom.7. You leave pretty much any store with a beauty product (or three) in hand—even the grocery store. Sure, you go to Whole Foods to stock up on kale and quinoa, but that organic coconut oil moisturizer is way too good to pass up. So what if your cart is filled with equal amounts of food and non-food items?8. Your idea of a good time involves organizing (and reorganizing) your makeup. In fact, you’ve been known to critique and often revamp any subpar setup you come across (some friends appreciate this more than others).9. Your holiday and birthday wish lists are 96-percent beauty product. Sure, the occasional pair of shoes sneaks in there, but your family knows small boxes bring the biggest smiles to your face.10. No one understands you when you try to explain the dual feeling of excitement and sorrow that comes with applying a new lipstick for the first time. On the one hand, it’s amazing — it’s a brand new shade and you know it looks spectacular. On the other hand, it will never be new again. What's the verdict? Are you addicted to makeup? Let us know below.