Our Favorite Disabled and Differently-Abled Beauty Bloggers Share What Beauty Means to Them

April 17, 2020
Alanna Martine Kilkeary
By: Alanna Martine Kilkeary | Makeup.com by L'Oréal
favorite disabled beauty bloggers

It was once said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but according to us, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, here at Makeup.com, we believe that beauty radiates from the inside, and that makeup is a form of self-expression that can help enhance your natural beauty on the inside and out. To celebrate this notion, we asked some of our favorite disabled and differently-abled beauty, fashion and lifestyle bloggers what beauty means to them. Here’s what they had to say. 

Lauren 'Lolo' Spencer, Disability Lifestyle Influencer

“Beauty to me means being your authentic self at all times. Being fearless in how you show up in the world and loving yourself everyday”

Cailey Darling, Disabled, AMNR, Visually Impaired, Chronic Migraines, Beauty and Fashion Blogger

“To me, beauty means self-expression, confidence and feeling self-assured and happy in one’s own skin. It is knowing one’s own worth regardless of aesthetics.”

Tess Daly, Disabled Fashion and Beauty Influencer

“Beauty to me is a projection of who you are on the inside. Everybody’s idea of beauty is completely different, and so everybody’s visual representation of what beauty means to them will be different also. When I break the word ‘beauty’ down, I personally feel the most ‘beautiful’ when I’m wearing very minimal makeup, maybe just a pair of lashes and some lip gloss. However, I use makeup as an instrument to express my personality, so nothing gives me more pleasure than creating really bold, colourful makeup looks. Beauty to me is so varied, it can be stripped back and simple but it can also be loud and brash. It is creative freedom.”

Emily Davison, Writer, Blogger and Youtuber

“Beauty is about claiming your identity. For many centuries all over the world, beauty has tended to stand as a way of merging in with societal norms, it’s been about confirming a ‘rend’. But in today’s world, beauty is about owning your identity and choosing how you look without any constraints.”

Sarah Alexander, Disabled and Plus Size Fashion Blogger

“Makeup allows me to express myself, it’s empowering and makes me feel confident. I spend a lot of time at home due to my chronic condition barefaced, so when I am able to go out, I like to make an effort as it’s not an everyday occurrence for me. I wear makeup for me; I enjoy applying it, I enjoy wearing it and I love how it can change up my look depending on my mood or outfit. Beauty is subjective and as much as I feel beautiful with no makeup on, I like having the option to change it up.”

Madison Lawson, Disabled Journalist

Beauty is a state of mind, a matter of self acceptance. It’s when you look in the mirror and appreciate the wisdom, strength and all the things that you see looking back at you. Beauty is a journey, accepting all the pieces of yourself, even those you might have once found unflattering. Learning to appreciate the person that you are and radiating that love. Beauty is feeling completely all the emotions and experiences that life has chosen for you, sending you on journeys you never would have gone on if it were up to you. Being reminded that even the most painful scars heal with time and become a part of the masterpiece that is you.”
Photo Credit: Lauren ‘Lolo” Spencer

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