What Happens If Makeup Gets Overheated?

May 20, 2020
Samantha Holender
By: Samantha Holender | Makeup.com by L'Oréal
foundation overheated
Era Beauty Airbrush Spray-On Foundation

It’s important to take caution when dealing with powders or eyeshadow pigments as well. Heat can cause your packed powders to become soft, weak and cracked. “Nothing gets a free pass from the sun,” says DiStasio. 

How Can I Protect My Makeup? 

While keeping your makeup indoors is a no-brainer, keeping your makeup collection in a cool, dark place is key. “I totally recommend keeping your makeup in a mini skin-care fridge,” says DiStasio. “Forget fruits and vegetables! Keeping mascara and lipstick in the fridge will keep your product fresh, keep the longevity and keep the consistency.” Another tip? Make sure you completely close the lid on all of your products, especially lipsticks and mascaras. Once heat and humidity mix with the formula, you’ll start to notice a gooey, sticky texture. 

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