What's the Difference Between Eau de Parfum and Eau de Toilette?
December 08, 2022

Choose Your Perfume Fit
All in all, Shoemack shares that perfumes are personal. “Perfume is non-linear and complex, and the final piece of the puzzle will always be you and your unique body chemistry,” she adds. Whether that eau de parfum or eau de toilette is entirely up to you.
Photographer: Chaunte Vaughn, Art Director: Hannah Packer, Visual Designer: Juliana Campisi, Creative Producer: Becca Solovay, Content Director: Victoria Moorhouse, Digital Tech: Paul Yem, Photo Assistant: Sam Kang, Makeup Artist: Jonet Williamson, Makeup Assistant: Chloe Baltimore, Hair Stylist: Akihisa Yamaguchi, Hair Assistant: Chisa Sakurai
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