Although Black Friday has officially ended, along with its successor Cyber Monday — there’s still lots of exciting, wallet-emptying deals to shop. One such deal is Urban Decay’s Cyber Week sale, where certain Vice Lipstick shades are on sale until the end of the week. The fan-favorite lippies are deeply discounted at $10 each — $8 less than their usual $18 price tag. This means you can grab for two for nearly the price of one, an irresistible deal for anyone who loves a fresh bullet of lipstick.      View this post on Instagram           A post shared by Urban Decay Cosmetics (@urbandecaycosmetics) on Nov 15, 2018 at 2:03pm PSTThe shades available are a healthy mix of holiday appropriate metallics like Singe, a deep, glittery wine red and neutral everyday hues like Tampered, a deep mauve shade that looks good on just about everyone. Whether you’re stocking up for a rainy day on a limited shade or trying out a new hue, now’s the perfect time to experiment and try something new. Which one will you be stocking up on? Let us know in the comments below!Related:9 Matte Lipsticks That Belong In Your Makeup Bag90’s Lip Looks Are Back, Here Are 5 Products To Get The Look In 2018How to Combine Lip Liner and Lipstick for The Ultimate DIY Lip Kit