How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes on a Budget
October 28, 2022

Option 2: Olive Oil
Whether you’re using it to dip bread, condition your hair or cleanse your skin, olive oil is a multipurpose oil you can use almost anywhere. It’s also great for cleaning your brushes and a favorite of celebrity makeup artist Billie Gene. To clean your brushes, “Apply a small amount of olive oil onto a cloth and gently rub the bristles onto the cloth until clean, then simply rinse the brush with water.” This is also great for when your brushes are “out of whack” and helps to condition and reshape the bristles.

Option 3: Bar Soap and Rubbing Alcohol
Although makeup artist Kasey Spickard prefers to stick to traditional brush cleaners, there is one thing he’ll use in a pinch: plain bar soap to clean and 70% alcohol to disinfect. The combo works wonders, ensuring your brushes are squeaky clean and ready for use.

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